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Being a doctor is my dream which I have been keeping in my heart since I was a chilld. I have the desire to help those who are suffering from diseases and pain. I am an angel to the patients bringing health and happiness with my passion and skills.


Sometimes I call her ”spotted nose.” It is so sweet. Really. Like a little cat. But her eyes.

  They are blue like the sky in spring or the ocean in a stormy night.

  They are so maddening. Well, let’s talk about her mouth.

  When she is smiling she has two little face-lines by the side of her lips.

形容产品质量好的英语:做工精细exquisite workmanship 描述英文、质量优秀 superior quality 、质量稳定 stable quality、质量可靠 reliable quality、经久耐用 durable in use 词组解释: 一、exquisite workmanship 1、exquisite 英 [ɪkˈskwɪzɪt] 美 [ˈɛkskwɪzɪt, ɪkˈskwɪzɪt] adj.精致的;细腻的;优美的; 2、workmanship 英 [ˈwɜ:kmənʃɪp] 美 [ˈwɜ:rkmənʃɪp] n.技艺,工艺 例句:his vase is a piece of exquisite workmanship. 这花瓶工艺很精。 二、superior quality 1、superior 英 [su:ˈpɪəriə(r)] 美 [su:ˈpɪriə(r)] adj.(级别、地位)较高的;(在质量等方面)较好的;上等的 2、quality 英 [ˈkwɒləti] 美 [ˈkwɑ:ləti] n.质量,品质;美质,优点; 例句: Our business goals: superior quality, customer satisfaction. 我们的经营目标:品质优越,客户满意。 三、stable quality 1、stable 英 [ˈsteɪbl] 美 [ˈstebəl] adj.稳定的;沉稳[持重]的;[物理学]稳定平衡的;持久的 例句: The miller owns simple structure; stable quality and high efficiency. 该铣床结构简单、加工质量稳定,效率高。 四、reliable quality 1、reliable 英 [rɪˈlaɪəbl] 美 [rɪˈlaɪəbəl] adj.可靠的;可信赖的;真实可信的 例句: Product performance is stable and reliable quality. 产品性能稳定,质量可靠。 五、durable in use 1、durable 英 [ˈdjʊərəbl] 美 [ˈdʊrəbl] adj.持久的;耐用的,耐久的;长期的 2、use 英 [ju:s] 美 [ju:s] n.使用;使用权;功能 例句: Customers like the goods duraBle in use. 顾客喜欢经久耐用的商品。

我的家乡,是一个美丽的小城.My hometown is a small beatiful country.那里有我很多美好的回忆.there remains a lot of my delighted memory.我在那生活了12年.I lived there for 12 years.我很喜欢我的家乡.I love my hometown very much.那里有美丽的山水,纯朴的人们.繁华的大街,宁静的小道.there are beautiful moutains and rivers, kind people, crowd streets and peaceful path. 虽然已经不住在那了,但是每年我都会回去看看.那都没有自己的家乡好.这就是我的家乡.Though I’m not living there, I come back to my hometown for a visit every year.Nowhere is better than my hometown.This is my hometown.
